Vis30k: A
collection of figures
and tables from IEEE visualization conference publications.
Jian Chen, Meng Ling, Rui Li, Petra Isenberg, Tobias Isenberg, Michael Sedlmair, Torsten
Robert S Laramee, Han-Wei Shen, Katharina Wünsche, Qiru Wang.
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2021
Marrying medical domain
knowledge with deep learning on electronic health records: a deep visual analytics
Rui Li, Changchang Yin, Samuel Yang, Buyue Qian, Ping Zhang.
Journal of Medical Internet Research., 2020
Best bioinformatics paper by visual analytics working group and featured by AMIA Year in
Review (2021)
Toward A Deep Understanding of What
Makes a
Scientific Visualization Memorable [online demo]
Rui Li and Jian Chen.
IEEE Scientific Visualization (SciVis), 2018
Visual subspace
clustering based on dimension relevance
Jiazhi Xia, Guang Jiang, Yuhong Zhang, Rui Li, Wei Chen.
Journal of Visual Languages and Computing, 2017
ImageCoder: ImageCoder is a web-based image annotation tool for researchers in scientific
disciplines to annotate images collaboratively. The main goal of ImageCoder is to alleviate the
process of disagreement resolution in collaborative annotation. ImageCoder supports the
annotation of conventional static images as well as giga-pixel medical images. As of 2023,
ImageCoder has been used for three global scientific annotation projects. [demo video]
(Flask + Jinja2 + Sqlite + OpenSeaDragon)
DGViz: DG-Viz, an interactive clinical prediction system, which brings together the power
of deep learning (ie, a DG-RNN–based model) and visual analytics to predict clinical risks and
visually interpret the EHR prediction results.
(Flask + Pytorch + D3.js + Echart.js + Sigma.js)
Viscolumbus: A web based system for visualizing economy development in Columbus city.
SLMS: Structuring Local Metric Space: A Non-Parametric Method for Visual Subspace Analysis.
Ray tracing
(C++, OpenGL)
Image processing tookit.
KTV multimedia system.
(C# + MS SQL server)